March Moodboard + Monthly Goals

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It’s already March and this year is flying by! Do I sound like a broken record, yet? I feel like I’m constantly saying this each month but holy moly it is so true. We are still hard at work trying to achieve those yearly business goals over here, even if some of them have a taken a bit longer than we expected. (Yeah, I know, new themes were planned to come out for the new year and yet we are still working on them. But don’t worry, we are making sure they are worth the wait!)

I don’t know if this moodboard was inspired by the slightly warmer temperatures we are starting to get here in NC, or the fact that we’ve been dog sitting for Mike’s parents with their dog Sayler, who’s the happiest golden retriever on the planet, but something about this month just made me want to bring out all the warm tones and lazy Sunday feelings. You may also notice a hint of Parisian style because of our quick trip into Paris that we are planning.

March Monthly Goals:

1. FINALLY Finish Our New Website

You may have noticed that our studio site has a maintenance page at the moment. That can only mean one thing! We FINALLY are getting around to changing out our old outdated website and giving our entire business a much needed face-lift and it FEELS. SO. GOOD. I’m embarrassed by how many months this has been on our monthly goals but it’s great to be making some headway in this area.

2. Focus On Our Social Media Strategy

If Pinterest is any indication for our business, we know that you get the most out of any social media platform that you actually put effort into. That being said, over the last 4 years we haven’t shown love to our other social profiles like we should and we are taking steps to change that. I enrolled in Jenna Kutcher’s Instagram Lab (not an affiliate link) last year and am just now getting around to working through it, so here’s to making big leaps forward this month on Instagram!

3. Batching Posts for the Blog/Podcast

If you could see the amount of blog posts I have lined up it would make your head spin. What’s disappointing is my track record with actually posting them! But fear not, I have a plan to start batching my days and cranking out new content for you all. What is batch working you ask? It’s where I allot a certain day out of each week or month to do one task. In this case, it would be a day totally devoted to writing blog posts and recording podcasts for you all. That way I’ll stop falling behind schedule (hopefully)!

I’m so happy to be back with a monthly calendar background this month and I hope you guys are excited too! Looking at the moodboard up above, you can tell this month’s background is really looking forward to spring making an appearance this month, but still keeping things cozy and comfy! For the free background there are versions for your computer, tablet and phone wallpapers. Just scroll back to the top and sign up to our newsletter receive your free download!

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